From there, you buy individual unlocks depending on which hunky guy you've decided to romance: the hospital director's suave son, your childhood sweetheart, or a surgeon who will do whatever he's told.
I don't care who you are - that's a damn intriguing premise, and Kiss of Revenge does even more to invite players in by offering the prologue for free on iOS and Android. What you didn't account for in your master plan was falling in love along the way. You would study in the medical field, get hired as a nurse at the hospital where your mom died, find whoever it was that let her die due to negligence, and murder him yourself. It was 12 years ago, after your mother died during surgery due to an unreported error, that you first hatched your vengeful plot. Sometimes romance can bloom out of tragedy. Supports the love between: You and the guy who maybe killed your mom There are also, apparently, non-potted plant woman you can date, but if you're not here to pervert your love of botany with dating then why even play this game? Kiss of Revenge All of these things will affect a litany of personality meters, ranging from 'goodwill' to 'sensibility' and the game's art style will change based on her mood. You can dress her up in different hats and jewelry, or place her in different locations around your house. You can tickle, pinch, hit, hold, and (of course) kiss her. Personally, I think Her is a better disembodied love story, but this is a close second.Ĭaring for a woman's potted head is every bit as creepy as it sounds. That's easier said than done, however, since the gods made her leave her body behind and appear as nothing more than a head in a flowerpot. Evian, the Goddess of Love, is still in our corner, and to prove the other gods wrong she has descended to Earth to find true love. The gods have decreed Earth shall be destroyed because true love no longer exists. Supports the love between: A guy and his disembodied head/potted plant

Play this one with an open mind, and an open heart. Knowing whether you can see love in those beady, alpaca eyes, or whether your partner would let you ride on their alpaca back, is something all couples face sooner or later. Trust me, if you've been in a relationship long enough, you know what I'm talking about. This is a good game to play with your own significant other, because it's important to have an open dialogue about the consequences of sudden alpaca transformation. Kazuma must discover the secrets of Yukari's alpacalization, or learn to love her fuzzy new form.
No one else seems to notice Yukari's wild 'n wooly exterior. However, things take a turn for the weird when, after a fun day at the Alpaca Kingdom, Kazuma awakes to find his girlfriend transformed into a fluffy, flirtatious alpaca. Saeki Kazuma, just your normal highschool student, has a good life, good friends, and a loving relationship with his girlfriend, Izumi Yukari. PacaPlus begins the way most dating sims end. Supports the love between: Man and alpaca But to pretend like Hannibal Chau's romantic hardships never happened would be a disservice to true Pacific Rim and Guillermo del Toro fans everywhere.
Admittedly, Love Love Chau!! can be finished in 15 minutes or less, ends on one heck of a cliffhanger, and its download link sadly seems to be lost to time.
The intro movie alone justifies the existence of this game, but let's face it - we've all been longing for a dating sim that lets us court Idris Elba and Charlie Day in the Shatterdome cafeteria. Obviously, you play as the most sensible character choice from the film: Hannibal Chau, the impossibly eccentric black market organ dealer brought to life by the one and only Ron Perlman.Īnd yet, everything about Love Love Chau!! shines with a clear application of effort on the creator's part. Its scenario is no less bizarre, featuring the buff, tough Jaeger pilots and quirky scientists of Pacific Rim as your friends / potential love interests. They're good for a laugh, but typically one-note gags, with little substance beyond the ridiculous premise. There's no shortage of simple, absurdist dating sims revolving around meme-status celebrities, including Nicolas Cage, Adam Sandler, and John Cena, to name a few.